Advocacy Alert for Michigan Farmers Market Supporters

October 20, 2023 | Policy Advocacy

The Michigan Farmers Market Association (MIFMA) has been working to help make updates to the Michigan Cottage Food Law. Cottage Food Law allows small-scale and new businesses to create certain food items in their home kitchen and sell those food items directly to consumers. Most of Michigan’s 300+ farmers markets include cottage food vendors, and countless other Cottage Food businesses serve their communities through other avenues. If you’ve enjoyed market products such as bread, popcorn, baked goods like cookies or muffins, fruit jam, or even dehydrated produce, it’s possible they came from a Cottage Food vendor!

The Cottage Food Law was last updated in 2012. In March 2023, a bill was sent to the House Agriculture Committee but hasn’t seen any movement since then.

We need your help to urge Chairwoman Rep. Miller to move this bill before the committee for a vote and bring before the full House to ultimately pass this legislation. 

MIFMA’s request to you as a farmers market shopper and supporter is simple: Please review and sign this letter by Sunday, October 22nd. (NOTE: the deadline for signing the letter has passed.)

Help us send a strong message to Chairwoman Miller and the House Agriculture Committee. Organizations, Cottage Food businesses, farmers, and individuals are all encouraged to sign, and share this opportunity to support Michigan businesses.