List a Job

List a Job

Thank you for submitting your job to the Michigan Farmers Market Association job board!

This won't be displayed on the job listing, but we'll use this to contact you about the job if we have any questions.
What's the closest city or town?
Market Manager: Responsible for market operations.
Market Staff: Provides support for market operations and/or to the market manager or sponsorship organization.
Vendor: Sells products at the market.
Internship: Temporary position providing support to the market and/or its vendors.
Local Food Support System: Supports markets and local food directly, but not necessarily in the farmers market itself.
Tell the job seeker a little about your organization. What do you do? What is it like to working as part of your team?
Let applicants know what this job will entail. Good topics to cover are hours, responsibilities, style of work, etc.
Make sure to include a link or phone number or some other way for the applicant to contact you!
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