Produce Prescription Programs

Produce Prescription (PPR) Programs are evidence-based interventions that increase access to fruits and vegetables and support healthy behavior change for individuals and families through partnerships among healthcare, community-based organizations, and food retailers. PPR Programs target patients facing food insecurity and those with diet-related chronic diseases with the long-term goal of improving health outcomes, addressing health-related social needs (HRSN), and lowering healthcare costs.

Statewide Learning Network and Committees

In 2017, MIFMA established the Produce Prescription Statewide Learning Network to bring together Michigan PPR programs and advocates for collaborative efforts to advance programming across the state. The Network meets virtually on a bimonthly basis, with opportunities for in-person activities when relevant. Participants include implementers, health care organizations, community-based organizations, local food retailers, clinicians, researchers, health payers and others that support these efforts in various avenues.

Produce Prescription Programs Statewide Learning Network Snapshot

If you would like to be added to the contact list for quarterly meetings, please email and include Produce Prescription Programs Statewide Learning Network in the subject line.


Michigan PPR Coalitions

Steering Committee:

The Michigan PPR Steering Committee is composed of leaders and key facilitators from a variety of industries. The Committee engages in decision making that will guide our Statewide Network as we take more concrete steps towards sustainable funding. Find out more by visiting our Steering Committee About Page.

Participant Advisory Council:

The Michigan PPR Participant Advisory Council consists of individuals who have participated in a Produce Prescription Programs operating in Michigan. The purpose of the Council is to ensure the voice of participants stays front and center as we work to advance these programs and Michigan programs are meeting the needs of our diverse residents and communities.

Evaluation Tools

In 2017, MIFMA and Public Sector Consultants developed a set of standardized self-evaluation surveys based on an in-depth review of then-current PPR evaluation tools. Since 2017, the surveys have been updated to improve ease of use, reduce respondent burden, and align with national and state funders’ priorities. The evaluation tools are intended to streamline and standardize data collection across Michigan Produce Prescription (PPR) programs. Using these survey tools and sharing results will help MIFMA analyze PPR program progress and outcomes statewide.


The standardized evaluation tools created include a pre-participation survey, post-participation survey, and complementary data sharing agreement. The tools are designed to be self-administered by the program participant. To access this tool, reach out to

Reports and Publications

Through the Statewide Learning Network, MIFMA has been able to create a space for ongoing peer-to-peer learning across programs and has been able to foster growth, collaboration, and idea generation across the state. Based on learnings from this Network, MIFMA has created several resources including:


Given the growth in the number of PPR programs inventoried since 2016, MIFMA worked to collect data from over 20 programs operating between 2017 – 2021 and published the following complimentary reports:  

The following reports highlight the need for and impact of Produce Prescription Programs in Michigan:

Policymakers have various options to leverage the Produce Prescription model as a powerful response to healthcare’s increasing focus on addressing the social drivers of health, improving health outcomes, and decreasing long-term health care costs.


Getting Started

 To learn more about how to start a Produce Prescription Program in your community, MIFMA recommends the following:

  • Prescription for Health Program Implementation Guide developed by the Washtenaw County Health Department
  • Join MIFMA’s Statewide Learning Network which brings together programs, partners, funders, markets, etc. across the state to advance PPR programs in Michigan
  • Browse MIFMA’s reports and publications to become familiar with current Michigan PPR programs operations and models, partnerships involved, and best practices.